The elementary years are foundational in establishing the biblical worldview that Christian education provides. PG电子游戏的小学是生活的建设, heart-growing, 连接的关系, 头脑正在舒展开来, 和有趣的! A school-wide Bible memory program starts at the elementary level in first grade with age-appropriate passages assigned throughout the school year. Bible instruction occurs at every grade level with opportunities to integrate biblical truth and apply biblical principles in a variety of settings throughout the school day.
Elementary students experience a comprehensive literacy program with the integration of language arts including phonics, 语法, differentiated word study and guided reading, 还有书本研究. Whole and small group instruction in math with a focus on mastering the basic facts challenges students at every level. Elementary 老师 emphasize hands-on 项目 and classroom presentations.
Elementary 老师 look for ways to encourage multi-age interaction and cooperative class experiences. In the late winter, the elementary participates in the experiences and festivities of Jr. 美洲狮的一周. This is an educational 和有趣的-filled week of special learning, 项目, 和圣经中的活动, 科学, and/or social studies for kindergarten through third grade. 也是在这一周, the fourth and fifth graders participate in Adventure Days where subjects are integrated with a focus on a topic chosen especially for that week. The week concludes with a showcase to which all the families are invited to come and view the accomplishments of Jr. 大大小小的美洲狮.
帮助我们的Jr. Cougars begin to explore and discover their God-given and unique gifts, 人才, 和利益, 小学K-5, are complemented by specific instruction in art, 音乐, 西班牙语, 还有体育. Third through fifth grade students also receive computer instruction. Each elementary 音乐 class is given the opportunity to bring honor and glory to our Lord and Savior, 耶稣基督, by participating and performing in the annual school-wide Christmas program. Additionally, fourth and fifth grade students, along with Jr. Cougars in kindergarten through grade three as supporting 音乐ians, enjoy presenting a 音乐al or concert each spring.
通过我们的 音乐学院, students have the opportunity to take individual or small-group instrumental lessons before, 在, 或者放学后. A melodious school band is an offering available for interested instrumentalists. Several instrumental performances are scheduled 在 the school year for students to demonstrate and share their 音乐al 人才 and abilities.
Other extra-curricular activities for elementary students could include soccer and basketball clinics, 科学探险家, Jr. Cougars Running Club as well as other offerings unique to each academic year.
A school-wide field day at the end of the year provides the students with the opportunity to have a blast and to practice physical skills developed throughout the year as well as experience some God-honoring, 积极的, 友好竞争.
Elementary chapels are an elementary highlight and favorite! Chapels are held twice a month and provide unique and age appropriate worship experiences for Jr. 从幼儿园到五年级的美洲狮. These special worship times are led by 音乐 teaching team, the high school or middle school worship teams, or sometimes even the elementary students are involved in leading worship as well.
Chapel is also a time for the students to listen to kid-friendly presentations of God’s Word, to hear how God is working in and around them, as well as a time for them to be challenged in their personal walk with the Lord. This spirit-filled teaching time can be led by local pastors, 特殊的教堂客人, 管理员, 老师, 或者学生自己.
Each year the elementary students join together for a school-wide missions and service project. The project supports a missions or Christian agency and creates a connection to the people or agency that is the recipient of the project, allowing the students to see the results of their efforts. This project may take the form of collecting money or supplies for a mission agency but is not limited to these efforts.
Past 项目 have included raising money to purchase llamas for South America and large Bible pictures for missionaries to use while teaching villagers in New Guinea; buying soap, 牙刷, and toothpaste at a special store on campus to send to Senegal with a doctor who is an alumnus of PG电子游戏; and providing over 100 pairs of water shoes for campers attending the Camp at Old Mill.
Individual classes have a missions and service focus within the classroom as well. Opportunity for hands-on service and sharing is an important component of this focus. Teachers may choose to have their students participate in a variety of missions and service opportunities that will enhance the classroom curriculum. These opportunities may include reaching out to a classmate who is ill or a family that has a particular need, 为撒玛利亚救援会整理箱子, 或者在校园里承担特殊项目.